ICC’s Commercial Crime Services report about “Non Circumvention Non Disclosure Working Agreement and Blacklist not published by ICC London, 8 January 2007”.

A number of fictitious ‘Non Circumvention Non Disclosure Working Agreement and Blacklists’ circulating on the Internet do not originate from the International Chamber of Commerce or any of its divisions.

The Non Circumvention Non Disclosure Working Agreement and Blacklists – purportedly originating from Germany – claim to be from ICC or divisions such as Commercial Crime Services (CCS) and the Financial Investigation Bureau (FIB).

CCS Director Pottengal Mukundan has dismissed the agreements and lists as ‘completely baseless’: “CCS would like to make it clear that our organization does not produce similar agreements and lists of this nature. The contents are entirely false and should not be relied upon.”

The Non Circumvention Non Disclosure Working Agreement and Blacklists were originally mass e-mailed to numerous German companies. The information in the e-mail was not only fabricated but also contained false details with respect to its origin.

Only a few known organizations actually publish such lists. The United States government lists groups and individuals designated as supporters or financiers of terrorism. Those on the list are referred to as having Specially Designated Global Terrorist Designation and are subject to seizure of assets and prevented from doing business with anyone in the United States without government permission.

Mr. Mukundan said: “Although the Internet is a valuable resource it is easily manipulated. This hoax is a nefarious attempt to discredit businesses. Anyone who receives information regarding ‘Non Circumvention Non Disclosure Working Agreement and Blacklists from ICC or any of its divisions should disregard it and assume that is false.”

CCS recommends checking multiple sources and not relying exclusively on the Internet for business research. Checking with official regulators and organizations by mail, telephone and in person can help ensure that the information obtained is valid and accurate.

Anyone having questions about ‘Non Circumvention Non Disclosure Working Agreement and Blacklists’ or who may have reliable information with respect to the origin of these false ‘Non Circumvention Non Disclosure Working Agreement and Blacklists’ is urged to contact FIB by telephone +44 208 591 3000 or email: fib@icc-ccs.org.uk.

Please note that ICC, its affiliates and divisions do not publish any information concerning the illegal or fraudulent behavior of individual companies or persons. Any such information purporting to originate from ICC– whether in the form of a “Non Circumvention Non Disclosure Working Agreement and Blacklists” or otherwise–has been published without the knowledge or assistance of ICC and does not have its endorsement or approval. ICC therefore disclaims all responsibility for any such information and any possible prejudice caused by it.

Please note that ICC, its affiliates and divisions do not award prize money or winnings. Any “prize notification «purporting to originate from ICC – whether in the form of a “final notice e-mail” or otherwise – has been sent without the knowledge or assistance of ICC and does not have its endorsement or approval.

ICC therefore disclaims all responsibility for any such information and any possible losses caused by it.

To verify the authenticity of correspondence from someone claiming to be from ICC, please contact ICC headquarters in Paris or one of its national committees in your region. Contact information for ICC national committees and staff is available by clicking on the icon "ICC worldwide" located on the left of ICC homepage, and then choose the country concerned. ICC’s general e-mail address is icc@iccwbo.org.

To report scams using ICC’s name, please contact ICC’s Commercial Crime Services.

Tel: +44 (0) 207 423 6960

E-mail: fib@icc-ccs.org.uk

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