MII Oil Holding Inc.

Your partner in oil business and more

***Disclaimer ********************************************************************************************************************************************************

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Please be advised that MII Oil Holding does not take into consideration inquiries provided by agents, brokers, intermediaries, or other individuals who are registered with the following platforms:

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1201 Hays Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32301
United States

MII Oil Holding Inc


For official inquiries or any other kind of information, please send us an email to the relevant department whose contact details you can find at the following page

http://www.mii-holding.org/administration.html, you can in addition also contact directly the MII Administration Desk at info@mii-holding.com 

1201 Hays Street

Tallahassee FL 32301

United States

Phone: +1 (321) 200 0039

Fax: +1 (850) 446-4923

Company Reg-N°: P11000105256

Website: www.mii-holding-org

Email: info@mii-holding.com

Skype: miioilholding

Dun & Bradstreet DUNS Number: 06-372-0561

UNCSD Supplier No.: 49418

UNGM Reg. Number: 107310.